I don’t know about you, but 2024 has been fairly hectic to say the least! I’m not quite ready for the holidays but given that we are basically only a week or so out from Thanksgiving, I guess I had better get moving! With this in mind, how does one prepare for the holidays in an organized fashion without going crazy?
We are hosting this year and will have about sixteen people coming – some from as far away as Boston and a few from right down the street. My son Ryan will be coming from college in New York and my sister will be making the long trip down and probably bringing a lot of gear as she did last year. I usually start by getting all the décor ready which include tablecloths, fancy paper plates and napkins for hors d’oeuvres and hanging decorations. I always bedeck the house with what I call “fallifying” colors. Autumn is my favorite season, and I have lots of pretty fall leaves and flowers spread around the first floor and out on our front deck. I would do way more, but the Irishman (my husband John) always tells me when I’m about to go overboard (which is often).
When you are serving a lot of people, I have found it is easiest to combine real china and silverware with disposable items. To that end, I usually go to Party City and purchase the nicest disposable plates, napkins, and plastic utensils I can find so cleanup is a snap. I have done it both ways and it is infinitely easier.
I have a lot of help when creating the actual meal. My mother-in-law is making a side dish and bringing her famous crab dip. My sister-in-law will make a side dish and a dessert, pumpkin pie, which my kids are very excited about. My sister will make the turkeys (we are doing two different ways this year) and a cake which she saw in Southern Living. I’ll create a charcuterie board for an appetizer and a special cocktail. I’m thinking I may do some different spritzes. I’ve enjoyed the Hugo spritz made with St. Germain and saw a fun apple cider spritz that could be fun and very much on theme. Everyone likes Aperol, so I can make that as well. Our friends from New England will bring the beverages, the most important part of any holiday celebration. Last year, we had some fun Bailey’s cocktails that I suspect will make a repeat performance!
The food will need to be a combination of items that are made ahead and some that are made the same day. My sister likes mashed potatoes made to order, but I’ve argued that is really not fun to do with a crowd of people in the kitchen. I also love talking with everyone and watching the Macy’s Day Parade and looking for the Welsh Terriers at Westminster. That means you need to have a plan and execute it in a manner that sometimes makes me feel like a general!
To that end, in the lead up to the actual big day, what are some things you can quickly pull together that are easy to make and crowd pleasers while everyone waits for the main event? This is a question that has often vexed me because I like to make dishes that are company ready and sometimes, I just don’t have enough gas in the tank for such shenanigans! The easiest brunch idea on the morning of Thanksgiving, is to make a frittata and put out a platter of bagels with fixings including smoked salmon, capers, a mixture of spreads, sliced red onion and sliced tomatoes. It’s a big crowd pleaser and everyone is happy and there is very little mess, which is a win!
For an easy dinner the night before Thanksgiving, you can create shrimp fried rice. It’s so easy I’m almost embarrassed to make the suggestion.
Here is a recipe:
Shrimp Fried Rice

This is something to make when you need to put something on the table quickly and it doesn’t require much effort. Pretty much all the ingredients can be found in your freezer or spice rack.
2 pkgs of Trader Joe’s white frozen rice, cooked in microwave and cooled
2 tbsps. Canola oil
1 lb. peeled and deveined large shrimp
1 small yellow onion, finely chopped
1 red pepper, diced
4 cloves of garlic, minced
Squeeze of lemon juice
1 ½ tsps. Ground coriander
½ tsp cumin
½ tsp. turmeric
½ cup frozen peas
Salt and pepper
Chopped fresh cilantro
1. Add the shrimp to a bowl and toss with salt and pepper.
2. In a skillet, heat the oil and add the shrimp and cook until pink for about 3 minutes in an even layer. Turn once to cook on the other side and remove to a bowl when completed.
3. In the skillet, add the onion, red pepper and garlic, coriander, cumin, and turmeric and sauté for about 4 minutes. Add lemon juice and stir into the vegetables. Add the rice and mix together with the frozen peas. Cook for 5 minutes until cooked through. Add shrimp and cilantro and toss together.
4. Serve in bowls with hot sauce on the side.
As for the big day, we are making all of the usual items with some twists. My sister and I both love corn pudding, and we always make our favorite New England stuffing with dried cranberries, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, rolls, macaroni and cheese, two different types of roast turkey, and cranberry sauce. Not to mention a special cocktail and many desserts including a pumpkin Basque cheesecake! The trick is to create items that can be made ahead and also those that may be enjoyed a few days later. To me, there is nothing better than roast turkey sandwiches. Sometimes I make Rachels with coleslaw on sourdough bread. Either way, I’m ready for the gluttony and intend to do my part to put a dent into what is produce!
I’m looking forward to this holiday season and hoping it isn’t too stressful. Here’s hoping that everyone finds peace and joy in the weeks to come.