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Happy New Year!


Happy new year to everyone! Wishing everyone much happiness as we begin 2023! Here are just a few things I’m thinking about as we start the year fresh:


I don’t really make resolutions and never have. Sometimes I would like to be more thoughtful in the way I approach the people I’m closest to, and certainly I strive to use a little less colorful language, but that’s really not me, so why try for something impossible? 😊 I got a clean bill of health after my physical with a letter from my doctor to tell me to keep up what I’m doing, but I could be better. I could drink a bit less and walk a little further. I could also lift some weights every now and then. Actually, I probably should be doing more of that, so maybe that will be my resolution. Let’s see how long it lasts!

Last Trip I Went on and What I Ate:

My last trip was to visit my sister in Newport. I visited a venerable breakfast spot, Franklin Spa with a new friend, Lisa, who I met through Ryan’s school and had a simple, but delicious omelet. We traveled to Fall River, MA, a wonderful Portuguese community, and shopped at Portugalia, which is incredible and a must-see if you are in the area. We stocked up on Portuguese wine, tinned fish, and chocolates with port. Afterwards, we went to a terrific and fairly affordable place for lunch – Marisqueira Azores. We all had something wonderful, but I think the best lunch went to my mom who had marinated pork loin with little neck clams served over rice with potatoes. This is a locals spot where the waitress seemed to know the regulars. Another new spot we tried was in town, Vieste. We were pleasantly surprised to find authentic Italian dishes that were homemade including a penne Bolognese and fusilli calabrese alla puttanesca. We did take out at the kid’s favorite – Pasta Beach and visited a turkey farm, Helger’s Turkey Ranch, over in Tiverton to pick up our bird for our Thanksgiving meal. On the way home, we stopped in NYC and dropped Ryan at college. Once again, we visited Casa Della Mozzarella and Borgatti Ravioli. These are two of my favorite places near his campus and I will be a repeat visitor for years to come!

Lessons Learned in 2022:

Wow. This was a crazy busy year. We moved Ryan and my mom out at nearly the same time and emotionally for them and for me it was probably hard. I had no idea what to expect with Ryan, but I was pleasantly surprised that he stayed in touch most of his first semester away at school. He has made friends and is really enjoying being in the city, from visiting the Botanical Garden to checking out a cool festival and visiting vintage clothing shops. I was sad when he left, but like many parents, I know it is time and I’m so excited for what his future holds. I kept flashing back to when he was a little boy, and I held his hand and took him on adventures together. Now he is finding his own way in the world and my focus is on his younger brother Luke who only just started high school. With my mom, she is also making friends in her new community and hopefully joining some clubs that are of interest. There is so much to do, and this is something she has craved for a while. I am learning to try to be better about balance. Sometimes I can’t do it all, even if I might try! And that is okay. My mantra for 2023 will be to try to live more simply, but even as I type the words, I wonder if it is possible!

Last Thing I Cooked:

I’m actually writing this after I made a lovely New Year’s dinner for my family of lamb bourguignon, with gratin au macaroni, a chopped salad, and a loaf of crusty French bread. We enjoyed a bottle of Veuve Cliquot that we did not get to drink the night before (I was saving it for a few months after seeing it on special for a good price!) as we tired out before the ball went down in Times Square!

Podcasts I’m Enjoying:

I just started listening to Emily Ratajkowski’s podcast High Low with Emrata. She’s had some interesting guests so far and delves into some topics that are worth talking about with a particular focus on feminism. I also love Marc Maron’s podcast WTF. I can’t recommend it enough. Also, very into Rob Lowe’s podcast Literally and Radio Cherry Bombe has some great interviews!

TV and Movies:

I watched a lot of TV shows and movies during the break. Our friend Pilar and I introduced Ryan to When Harry Met Sally – always a great choice. But I also watched Traitor, Emily in Paris, and The Recruit on Netflix. And started to watch Jack Ryan on Amazon. A really fun movie was Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris. Are you seeing a theme? Spies and Paris were my jam apparently!

A Vacation Spot I’m Still Dreaming About:

London. How could I not? I dream about the wonderful bookstores, the parks and teatime at the Savoy in addition to all of my other favorite haunts. We left behind a little memento of my father, and I like to think he is smiling at us up in heaven enjoying one of his extra favorite places on earth.

Where I’m Looking Forward to Going This Year:

Paris. I have been dreaming for some time about the most romantic city on earth and I will be headed there for a few special days in celebration of my birthday. And of course, there will be more trips to New York. My sister and I have also talked about a special trip to New England as well later in the year, so there is much to look forward to.

Moments that Stood Out:

Both of my son’s graduations. Celebrating my husband John’s cousin Lauren who had a baby recently. Spending time with my best friend from college, Kelly, and my best friend from high school, Mollie. Catching up with my childhood bestie, Nicolle. And all of the fun outings with my girls in Annapolis over the summer and more recently this holiday season. Seeing Duran Duran with my brother and sister-in-law. And Jackson Browne with John and Pat. Traveling to LA for my first in person work event in 3 years. And most importantly – celebrating 25 years of marriage!

I hope your year ahead proves to be as wonderful as the year we just had and that everyone looks forward to healthy and happy times. No matter what your interests are, I hope you are able to enjoy life and spend time doing things you love with people you care about!



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